Custard Apple Sherbet Recipe

Custard Apple Sherbet is a very popular recipe. Learn how to make/prepare Custard Apple Sorbet by following this easy recipe.
Custard Apple Sherbet Recipe
Difficulty Easy
Rating 9.3 / 10 (3 votes)
Recipe Type Veg.
  • 3 cups Custard Apple Pulp
  • 1 cup Plain Low Fat Yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
How to make Custard Apple Sherbet:
  • Puree the pulp in a processor or blender.
  • Add yoghurt,juice,honey to it and mix together.
  • Pour into ice-cube trays or an 8" square pan. Freeze until almost firm.
  • Cut into chunks and place in processor again and blend until fluffy.
  • Pour back into trays or serving dishes and freeze again. Scoop out and serve.
