Mango Shake Recipe

Mango Shake Recipe
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If you feel aerated drinks are the coolest beverages in the world, its time to take a break and try the mango shake. As the name suggests, this drink is rich in fruit pulp and cools down the system almost instantly.
Mango Shake Recipe
Difficulty Easy
Rating 8.3 / 10 (51 votes)
Recipe Type Veg.
  • 1 Ripe Mango
  • 4 tsp Sugar
  • 1 cup Milk
  • Essence, as per requirement
How to make Mango Shake:
  • Boil the milk and allow it to cool down to room temperature.
  • Peel and cut the mango and crush in a mixer.
  • Pour the milk and sugar; grind once again.
  • Serve chill.

Reviews and Ratings:
nds posted 21/10/2011
This site seems to be targeted toward Asian Indians. Local milk is best consumed after boiling to ensure nothing unfortunate happens :)
Patrick Pham posted 26/05/2011
I honestly just got milk which was in room temperature and it was good. A bit too sweet though. So I doubled mangoes. added 2 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla whey protein and it was better after.
lynda gold posted 12/08/2010
I just love this recipe but I would like to know why the milk must be booiled first. In any event, I love putting all my mangoes from the tree to good use other than just eating it in its natural form. Please advise.
