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Conferences : World Congress on Conservation Agriculture

Start Date : 04-Feb-2009 End Date : 07-Feb-2009
Venue : New Delhi
City : New Delhi Country : India
Category : Agriculture

World Congress on Conservation Agriculture

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Event Profile
4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture is a significant event for the researchers, policy planners, farmers, extension-workers, corporate leaders and non-governmental organizations. It will give them a splendid platform to discuss on innovations in agriculture for improving efficiency, equity and environment.
4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture will cover the following topics, but are not limited to:
Soil and residue management, resource productivity and efficiency, input management : water, nutrients, seed, agro-chemicals, diversified farming systems, irrigated systems, institutional innovations and policies, mechanization and energy management, genetic strategies, indigenous knowledge and practices, participatory approaches and partnerships, integrated approach for technology development and dissemination, biodiversity, capacity building, enabling policies, environment, climate change, environmental services, impact assessment and equity issues, impact of conservation agriculture, equity issues such as employment, drudgery, regional disparities, etc, common property resources, etc.

Organizer National Academy of Agricultral Sciences, New Delhi, India

Hotels in New Delhi

Hotel / Travel Booking for World Congress on Conservation Agriculture

(04-02-2009 - 07-02-2009)
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