Strawberry Crush Recipe

Strawberry Crush is a delightful strawberry drink. Learn how to make/prepare Strawberry Crush by following this easy recipe.
Strawberry Crush Recipe
Preparation Time 20 Minutes
Cooking Time 25 Minutes
Rating 10.0 / 10 (3 votes)
Recipe Type Veg.
  • 500 g Strawberries
  • 1 kg Sugar
  • 1/2 litre Water
  • 1/4 tsp Sodium Benzoate
  • 1 tbsp Citric Acid
  • A few drops of Strawberry Essence
How to make Strawberry Crush:
  • In a pan, take half a litre of water and one kilogram sugar to make sugar syrup.
  • Add citric acid to it for the scum to rise to the top.
  • Strain the syrup through a muslin cloth to remove the impurities.
  • Allow it to cool and add the remaining citric acid.
  • In a blender, take the strawberries and crush them, taking care not to puree them.
  • In a bowl, mix sodium benzoate with a little water and set aside.
  • Add the sugar syrup and strawberry essence to the crushed strawberries and mix well.
  • Add dissolved sodium benzoate to the mixture and mix again.
  • Empty the contents in a glass jar.
  • Allow it to cool before storing it away.
