Nan Khatai Reviews

Neetika posted 30-Sep-2012 06:21 AM
This made good nankhatai, but I added a pich of baking soda and cardamon as well and it added to the flavour. The sugar was a bit more so I had to reduce it in subseuquent batters.
deasy posted 12-Jun-2011 10:32 AM
Agree with previous comment , would help if ingredients were listed in english. also no cardomom mentioned.
Connie posted 28-Dec-2010 02:32 PM
Try giving the ingredients in english & indian also use generally recognized units for the amounts As the recipe is now, you have to spend time looking up what some of the ingredients are & the amounts to use
Santa posted 21-May-2010 07:22 AM
is so easy.....nice