Here are ideas about Easter customs and traditions followed in Germany. Read about Easter celebration in Germany.

Easter Traditions In Germany

Don't be surprised if you happen to be in Germany during Easter and some local walks up to you and wishes you Frohe Ostern! Before you scratch your chin in wonder, know that he is just trying to wish you 'Happy Easter'. Just like the diverse languages and even more diverse wishes, even the celebrations usually vary from country to country. Nevertheless, some of the core essence of the festivity remains the same everywhere, irrespective of the territorial differences. Like rest of the Christian world, fertility and spring icons like flowers, eggs, chickens, hares and lambs form an important part of Easter celebrations in Germany. Easter is an important time for the Germans who observe this occasion with great zeal. Although most of the traditions celebrated here are nothing different from other parts of the world, the art of embellishing hollowed-out eggs is one tradition that is unique to the German tradition. The Germans observe public holidays during Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Easter feast primarily consists of fish courses and lambs. People usually lit up huge bonfires on Easter Saturdays to ward off bad omens and mark the end of winter. Continue reading below to know more about the Easter celebrations in Germany.

Here are ideas about Easter celebration in Germany: -
  • In Germany, Easter commences on the Good Friday with the draping of cross. It is on this day, people eat fish as a part of Easter feast.
  • In the menu of special Easter lunch on the Easter Sunday, colored Easter eggs and lamb shaped cake acquire prominent positions. For desserts, people like to relish on cookies and chocolate candies.
  • As a part of Easter traditions in Germany, egg hunt game is very popular among the Germans. Another game that is enjoyed by kids is Chocolate kiss.
  • Another tradition that marks the festivities of Easter is the burning of old Christmas trees. Every year, a particular location is selected for this ritual in the country.
  • Eggs are an extremely important aspect of the Easter traditions in Germany and are colored in green to be used on Maundy Thursday. Coloring them green is an important ritual.
  • In the Oberammergau town of Germany, passion play is held which is based on the life of Jesus Christ. It's a play in which about 1200 villagers participate and the play is a real long one, extending up to six hours.
  • Before the start of Lent season, a special carnival called Fasching is held. Its major attractions include a parade in which people show off their masks.
  • If you are fond of bonfires, then do visit Germany at the time of Easter as lighting a bonfire and having a family gathering is one of the important German Easter traditions. It is believed that the bonfire is lighted to welcome the spring festival and also the sun.
  • Delicacies are in abundance during the time of Easter. A German Recipe, called as Cruller, is prepared only during the occasion of Easter. The traditional Easter feast includes lamb shaped cakes, cookies, sweets and cakes and egg recipes and many more things.