Easter flowers bouquet makes an excellent gift to celebrate Easter festival. Read about Easter flower basket.

Easter Flowers

What better way to lighten up the mood of your special ones and spread the festive cheer than gifting a wonderful Easter flower basket loaded with colorful spring blooms. Flower baskets loaded with fragrant flowers in myriad hues not only adds a touch of elegance to your living room, but also peps up the ambiance with its sweet and delicate fragrance. You can either purchase bouquets from florists or make your own personalized flower basket by adding favorite spring blooms of your choice. Some of the flowers usually found in the traditional Easter basket are white lilies, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils among other seasonal flowers. To make the gifts appear more appealing, consider decking it up with shiny satin ribbons, moss and other decorative props. Another important thing to remember while gifting the baskets is the arrangement of flowers, which plays a significant role in elevating the beauty of your baskets. So, one must make sure that the flowers are assorted properly. During this festival occasion, the churches are decked up with spring flowers, especially with white lilies that symbolize purity and goodness and are a symbolic representation of Lord Jesus. To get a detailed insight into the Easter flower basket and the significance of its flowers, scroll down the write-up below.

Here is list of Easter flowers and their significance:-
  • Chrysanthemum (general) - it indicates cheerfulness and the fact that you are truly a precious friend.
  • Chrysanthemum (white) - stands for truthfulness and signifies purity.
  • Chrysanthemum (yellow) - it is a case of more than friendship as in slighted love.
  • Daffodil - it conveys that you are the only one for me and everything seems to be bright, when you are around.
  • Azalea - it conveys to the person to take care of himself/herself for your sake.
  • Lily (white) - it indicates purity and also says that it's a wonderful experience knowing you.
  • Passion Flowers - signifies the Holy Trinity, Jesus dying on the Cross and is also a symbolic representation of the three days that Jesus had spent in the tomb.
  • Tulip (red) - it signifies declaration of love.
  • Tulip (general) - stands for perfect love.
  • Tulip (variegated) - represents beautiful eyes.
  • Tulip (yellow) - it signifies happiness.
  • Alstroemeria - symbolizes friendship and devotion.
  • Lilac - it is touted as the harbinger of spring.
  • Purple Lilac - indicates first emotions of love.
  • White Lilac - means youthful innocence.
  • Amaryllis - stands for pride, determination and radiant beauty.
  • Snapdragon - signifies both deception and graciousness.
  • Statice - it is used to convey remembrance.
  • Anthurium - it is used to signify anything, which is long lasting and irresistibly beautiful.
  • Freesia - it stands for innocence and friendship.
  • Orchid - represents mature charm.
  • Peony - indicates romance and prosperity.
  • Heather - stands for good luck.
  • Iris - used to signify faith, valor and wisdom.
  • Sunflowers - hope and light brought into this world by Christ.
  • Lotus - this flower stands for fertility, power, birth and rebirth.
  • Hyacinth - it stands for sport attitude.
  • Yellow Iris - it significance passion.