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Here are some tips on pet friendly homes and home pet safety.

Pet Friendly Homes

If you have a furry friend living with you, you surely do know how wonderful it can feel to cuddle your pet. It is even more touching when you see your pet sit by the window sill or the door, waiting patiently for you to return. It is indeed overwhelming to see it welcome you like you are the only person who matters to it and you most probably do. Whatever may have been your misgivings before you got that tiny pup, kitten or any other animal home, pets invariably end up charming their owners. So much so, that the affection lavished upon the pet can even supersede the affection family members receive, much to their mock-dismay! The furry pet, in a short span of time, becomes just as good a member of the family. If you ever thought your only responsibility was to provide for just your pet's physical needs and provide it with love and care, you thought wrong. There's a lot more you still need to do. Just as it is your responsibility to keep your family members safe at home, having a pet also comes with similar responsibilities. Like children, animals too need safety and protection from certain things to ensure that no harm comes to them. Your pet trusts you completely and hence the onus is on you to keep it safe from potential hazards. As animals are naturally inquisitive, expect them to sniff, hunt, investigate and explore their home territory. It is unfortunate that thousands of pets die each year due to the negligence of their owners. A real pity! This often happens during the absence of the pet owner. Are you looking forward to ensuring your pet's safety and happiness? If yes, then follow the guidelines given below to minimize all potential dangers that your pet might face at home:
  • Your gates should be closed properly at all times. There also should be no escape routes. When taking your pets out for a walk, please do so with a leash.
  • Check fences and hedges every day for holes and gaps in them. Your pet can easily escape or stray through these.
  • Check balconies for clutter and get rid of the same. This can help create a lot of playing space for your pets.
  • Move your car only when you are sure that you pet is not under the car or anywhere in the garage. Before locking the garage, make sure your pet is not in it.
  • Before mowing your lawn and trimming hedges, lock your pet indoors as it can get frightened by the noise of the mower or may get in the way while you are mowing the lawn.
  • Ensure that pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals are locked and stored away. When you use them, your pets should not be around. It is advisable to use products that are safe for your pet.
  • Stick tape on cupboard doors to prevent pets from getting their paws stuck in them.
  • Put up temporary fences around ponds and swimming pools.
  • There should be no cables and wires left lying around inside the house. Puppies and kittens often tend to chew on power cords; with this they run the risk of getting seriously injured or even electrocuted.
  • If you allow your pets to stray into the garage, clear the area of all possible risks and hazards such as antifreeze or rat poison. These can kill your pet in a matter of hours.
  • If you have a green thumb, go easy on your planting spree. Do not plant poisonous plants. Cats in particular are known to chew on plants at times. Azaeleas and Poinsettias are examples of plants that can be harmful if ingested.
  • Keep string items such as floss, yarn and rubber bands out of your pet's reach. They can cause internal blockage leading to serious infection or death if accidentally swallowed.
  • You must never leave open flames unattended. A pet's curiosity can get the better of it and this can lead to accidents that really should be avoided.
  • If you think the world of your pet, it is imperative that you make your home as safe as possible for it. However, if you sense something amiss, take it to the vet as soon as possible.