Home Decor
Tips about preventing accidents at home by using safety measures for carpets, stairs, doors, windows, bathtubs, showers, toilets, balconies and porches.

Accident Prevention At Home

It is said that the best things in life cost the least, and you can't help but agree. Life has many simple pleasures to offer and very often these are the things that help make your day. Nestling your head deeper into your pillow as the rain beats lightly against the window or a warm euphoric feeling shooting through your body right before you lie down to sleep are examples of life's simplest pleasures. Such pleasures occur accidentally because you never really anticipate anything or look forward to them. However, when it comes to comfort or pleasure, the one place that is universally known to be the comfort bedrock is one's home. Many people treasure their homes because their homes give them much needed respite from the drudgery of everyday life. Regardless of the kind of work you do, it always feels great to come back to welcoming cozy confines. It is a place you relax in, have fun in or live life to the fullest in. Sadly, if you think your home is a safe haven, remember that it can be nothing but cold comfort. Almost half of the millions of injuries and deaths happening around the world occur right under someone's roof. Though these injuries may be funny and even find their way television, in reality many of them are serious and at times fatal too. For instance, everyday items can cause injuries in many ways. A large number of accidents occur at home because we overlook small and simple details while building and decorating homes. Given below are a few guidelines on how to make your home more secure and accident-free.

Safe Carpets
  • Rooms must have proper lighting. This will help draw attention to carpets. Proper lighting also reduces the chances of slips and falls.
  • Using wall to wall carpets can prove to be safe for kids and elders since textured surfaces help decrease the chances of accidents. Even the cushioning of wall to wall carpeting reduces impact should a fall occur.
  • Placing rugs on the floors of your house is a great way of preventing 'mishaps'.
  • Hard surfaces need to be made slip-resistant to help rule out all chances of accidents.
  • If you wax floors to preserve the looks and preserve of the same, use non-skid wax.
Secure Stairs And Steps
  • In the case of staircases, all steps should be of uniform size since people do not always look down while climbing stairs.
  • From the beginning to the end, stair cases need to be well lit.
  • While carpeting a flight of stairs, do not leave even a single step uncarpeted. Every step should be carpeted.
  • Stair cases need to be free of clutter. As far as possible, try to stay away from decorating a staircase with random articles.
  • Carpets need to be maintained. Even a slight tear can result in grievous injuries and falls.
  • It is essential to have railings on both sides of a staircase. This helps provide support.
Safe Doors
  • The doors in your house should be properly installed, no two ways about it.
  • Doors for rooms that face each other should open away from each other.
  • Wall or hinge mounted doorstops need to be attached to doors.
  • Screen doors are great alternatives for regular doors. Screen doors do not close too quickly, which only helps people enter and exit a room safely.
Window Safety
  • Windows should open easily.
  • Screens should be fixed securely but should be removable.
  • Projecting windows open away from the garden.
Safe Bathtubs and Bathrooms
  • Bathrooms need to be well-lit. This makes it easier to spot water or other things on the bathroom floor.
  • Water temperature controls, if installed, need to be functional at all times.
  • Using non-slip floors or using non-slip mats in bathrooms can be help reduce the chances of falls.
  • At least one hand grab bar must be placed near the shower and the bathtub.
Secure Toilets
  • Non-slip flooring in toilets is a must.
  • Do not forget to install hand grab bars in the toilet.
Safety Measures For Balconies and Porches
  • The floorboards in the porch need to be properly fitted.
  • Railings that are fitted need to be exceptionally strong.
  • The steps leading to the porch should be in a good condition and must have railings on either side.
  • Do not ignore worn out railings and posts. Replace them immediately.
Here's hoping the tips on how to prevent home injuries actually help you prevent the same. Minimizing risk is where the key to preventing injuries at home lie.