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Decorating Balcony

It was from the balcony that Juliet called out, "O' Romeo, O' Romeo! Where are you, Romeo?" as she stood there waiting for him every night. It was from the balcony that several plays were applauded. Now...it's a Sunday morning! Wouldn't you love to stretch your legs on the table while sipping a cup of coffee in your balcony? For several decades, balconies have had varied uses. From being a study area or relaxation area to a garden or a meditation space, balconies have always retained a special place in most homes. An apartment, with nice balconies that offer great views, always remains in great demand in the market and it's no wonder why. Even the smallest balcony can be turned into a cozy retreat. Read on to get some tips that you can use for decorating a balcony, a patio or a deck in your apartment or home, here's wishing you all the best for the same.

Balcony Decorating Tips
  • Divide a large and wide balcony into smaller areas to add more room to your home. You can use this space as a dining area, a private library or a small garden.
  • Experiment with bold colors in the balcony and make it a family seating area where everybody can have coffee and gossip for a few minutes every evening.
  • Remember to place a wastepaper basket in your balcony and make sure it is hidden from general view. Place it behind a bench, a lattice screen or shrubs.
  • Balconies can become a great place to meditate and worship in private. You may need to cover it with bamboo screens though.
Decorating Patio/ Balcony Garden
  • Turn your balcony into an exotic garden with big bright flowering plants. You can also try maintaining a small pond or fountain surrounded by small bonsai plants.
  • A screen of ivy complete with birdhouses and birdbaths will lend the look of English garden to your balcony.
  • Choose plants and accessories that can thrive well for long time and do not need constant care.
  • Plants for balconies where sunrays hardly reach, and accessories that do not crack or fade in the sun are easily available in the market. Go ahead and buy yourself the 'necessities'.
Deck Decorating
  • If you have a deck on a mini balcony, then, you better make sure that the railings are very sturdy.
  • You will need good lighting not only for decorating purposes, but also for safety.
  • You can use small potted plants. However, you must ensure that you don't use too many. If you do so, your deck will look too small and cluttered.
Furniture For Balcony
  • Furniture for balcony can range from a porch swing to two or three chairs with a coffee table or just a bench with a side table.
  • Consider adding multipurpose seating like a storage bench. This can help store extra items and provide you with a great place to relax as well. You will even save space.
  • You will need to make sure that whatever kind of furniture you put on your balcony, it is all weather-resistant or waterproof.
  • A small side table or two can be useful too. Add side tables only if you have enough space.
From romance to study spaces, the balcony has since ages been a boon to its owner. So, make sure you decorate and maintain such a multi-purpose dwelling with your best efforts.