Reiki Reiki

Read about information on Reiki attunement and how to prepare for Reiki attunement.

Reiki Attunement

Reiki is a healing technique that uses positive energy to heal illnesses and sooth human mind. This is an art that requires no special talent of expertise to master. The technique is taught in an unorthodox manner. The Reiki master transfers the healing technique to the student during the process of attunement. Reiki attunement is a process in which the reiki master transfers energy to the students which help open the crown, heart and palm chakras. This process is what makes the reiki energy to flow through the body and heal illness. The attunement process creates a channel between the recipient and the reiki source. Attunement is considered to be a spiritual process and calls in for some amount of preparation on part of the students. It is a process of cleansing up of one's body, mind and soul and in order to undergo this spiritual process a person will have to prepare his/her body and mind. This preparation period before attunement is known as the purification period wherein the students are expected to follow certain laid down guidelines. Continue reading to come across these guidelines for preparation for reiki attunement.

Preparing For Reiki Attunement
  • You need to be careful in selecting the course you are planning to take up and more importantly the teacher or the instructor under which you are planning to get trained. Reiki attunement can prove to be successful only if the instructor is capable.
  • It is advisable that you schedule the dates and timing of your classes at least a week in advance. This will provide enough time to you and the instructor to prepare for the classes.
  • Preparation for the attunement process for reiki also calls for a purification process. You are expected to eliminate the consumption of meat, fowl or fish at least three days prior to the commencement of your classes. This is expected out of you because these food items are believed to contain drugs in the form of penicillin and toxins in form of pesticides that will weigh down the energetic field and will disturb the balance of your body.
  • The preparation for attunement also expects you to restrain yourself from watching television, using computer or listening to music and reading newspaper. These are considered to be distractions that might play with your mental balance.
  • You are also expected to meditate for at least 15 minutes to half an hour every day before the commencement of your classes. Meditation or spending time in silence is believed to relieve human brain and relax our senses.
  • Students are advised to spend as much time possible in the silence of nature. Taking a stroll in the wild or meditating in the garden or a quiet park is considered to be a good exercise to calm down the senses and restore the balance between our mind and our body.
  • Reiki experts also suggest people to take out time to exercise the body every day, even if it is just a walk. Exercising the body will help connect it to the mind and is believed to be an important preparatory step for attunement.
  • Raw organic food items like fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, tea and water should become the center of your diet plan. Organic food will help prepare your system for attunement by getting rid of toxins and impurities.
  • Preparation for attunement also calls in for cutting down on the consumption of caffeinated beverages like coffee. Soda should completely be avoided from your diet.
  • If you consume alcohol, make it a point to avoid it at least three days before your attunement. It is also advisable for people who smoke to cut back on the number of cigarettes or if possible to quit smoking before attunement.
  • Experts also suggest that we should start paying attention to our surroundings before attunement. Start finding out meaning in everything you see, listen or feel and pay heed to any synchronicities that you observe.
  • The preparation period before attunement should be used effectively to eliminate fear negative feelings like fear, anger, hate worry, jealousy and anger. Replace these negative emotions with love and care.
  • Prohibit yourself from coming in contact with negative energy of any kind or from any source. Keep away negative thoughts and purify your soul using meditation and self-reflection.

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