Home Decor
Read tips about floor maintenance in terms of mopping, floor cleaning and dusting.

Floor Maintenance

Hardwood, softwood, ceramic tiles, marble or vinyl; there really a number of alternatives when it comes to choosing a flooring option for the house. For making the house look beautiful, people choose a variety of flooring types but one thing that is equally significant is the fact that floors need to be maintained from time to time. Maintenance helps make floors a lot more durable than they intrinsically are. If you neglect taking care of the flooring of your house, it can decay and loose colour and texture sooner than expected. When it comes to floor maintenance, the first thing that strikes a person's mind is mopping and dusting of the floor at regular intervals. However, in order to take care of the flooring properly you need to know your floor well and should have a basic knowledge on the products that can be used to clean it. Glance through the information to come to discover a few tips on floor maintenance.
  • Maintaining a floor is a tedious job and requires a long program consisting of multiple steps. Firstly you need to cut off extra or unwanted things glued to the floor. Make it a point to clean these areas to get rid of stickiness. Also do not forget to clean the areas that are not easily accessible at least once in a week.
  • The dust and mud particles collected from these hidden areas should be thrown directly into the dustbin. The next step in the cleaning of flooring will include stripping. You need to have accessories like safety goggles, rubber gloves, stripping pads, and rubber boots.
  • You also need to sweep or vacuum the flooring regularly so that dust and dirt particles do not scratch the finish of the floor.
  • Make it a point to instantly wipe any spilled liquid or other item from your floor to prevent it from leaving permanent marks.
  • Try not moving around on a hardwood floor wearing high heels. High heels can also spoil your flooring like water and sand. Worn out and damaged sportswear can also prove to be harmful for your flooring.
  • You should place floor mats outside and inside your house. Placing mats will prevent the accumulation of dust on the floor.
  • Mats should also be placed in front of the kitchen sink, the dishwasher and at the entrance in order to protect the kitchen floor from dropped utensils, water spills, detergent and food stains.
  • Avoid using rubber mats or mats with dense backing. These kinds of mats will stop air flow and will trap abrasives, dirt and moisture, which is not too good for your floor.
  • The floor in your house is subject to wear and tear and can face damages with a lot of movement of furniture. Therefore, it is essential to attach felt pads to the feet of the furniture to prevent the floor from getting scratched. You will have to keep the pads clean and replace it when damaged.
  • You can also save the floor while moving furniture by moving it with the help of a mat turned upside down.
  • The humidity level inside the house should be maintained between forty to fifty percent. Humidity level between forty to fifty percent is ideal for both your health as well as for the protection of your floor.
  • You can make use of a hygrometer to check moisture levels in the air. This will give you the reading of the humidity and will also help you take measures if it is beyond the recommended range.
  • Avoid exposing your flooring to intense artificial light; since it can cause change of colour, this is especially true in wood flooring. The lighter the wood, the more obvious the change, remember this!
Things To Avoid
  • Remember not to pour the cleaner directly onto the floor.
  • It is not advisable to make use of a wet mop that can leave excess of water behind, since the left behind water will only spoil the flooring.
  • You should not make use of floor wax, oil based detergents or any other such household cleaners on your floor. Such cleaning products can affect the floor finish and can leave behind a greasy coat that can make the floor slippery and dangerous.
  • Remember not to increase or reduce the temperature of a radiant heating system by more than 2.8o C per day.