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Here are some tips for framing in bathrooms, installation of whirlpool tub deck, vapour barrier and insulation in bath, bathroom window openings and shower stalls.

Bathroom Framing Basics

Framing requirements of a bathroom can only be zeroed in on after deciding on all the features that you may need. Make a list of new walls that need to be built, old ones that need to be demolished and partition walls that need to be introduced for increased privacy. Partitions or walls help distinguish areas in a bathroom. You might need new window openings, shower stalls, vapour barriers, insulation systems and whirlpool tub decks. If yes all of these can be included in the list. As far as partition walls go, once you are done with the framing, make it a point to add horizontal cross braces to fasten a toilet tissue holder or a grab bar. It is always better to plan out a strategy, list down things that need to be done or chalk out a plan in order to make work simpler and swift. Mentioned below are some of the basic rules of bathroom framing that you must go through before getting down to business.
  • You cannot ignore the fact that bathroom framing requires processes different from the ones involved in framing walls in other parts of your house. This is so because there always is a lot of moisture in bathrooms, courtesy the shower, the sink and toilet.
  • Bathroom framing processes can be divided into different steps of work for different parts of the bathroom that may include window openings, partition walls and shower stalls. You might require a hammer, a circular saw for cutting lumber, a spreader for drywall cement or just about any other tool that may be required for just about any purpose.
  • While constructing a bathroom frame you will have to focus on the fact that your bathroom need to be as waterproof and moisture resistant as possible. Taking care of this aspect will not only save the bathroom walls from water damage but will also prevent harmful bacteria and mold from plaguing your bathroom.
  • Make it a point to construct partition walls with water-resistant drywall. You will also have to include moisture barriers while working on exterior walls. Another important thing to consider while laying out the framing is the flooring. It should be level and unfinished.
  • The bathroom floor can be levelled before installing the bathroom frame by fixing plywood sheets to a framework of 1x6 boards. However, you will have to use a moisture barrier underneath the boards in order to prevent dampness seeping into the basement area. There are number of barriers available but the easiest one to install is the common roofing paper.
  • It is always better to have windows in the bathroom since windows help natural light and fresh air to enter a bathroom. However, windows in the bathroom should not be too big because this will only result in privacy issues. You can have a medium sized window with sidings. If you can't do something like this, you can re-frame the windows in order to reduce their size.
  • In order to frame the shower stall you will have to measure its base dimension and then mark an outline on the sub-floor and the area from the drainage system. Using the dimensions, frame the shower stall with a green-board for drying walling purposes and felt strips with framing studs for better fitting of the stall.
  • A whirlpool tub deck is framed starting from the deck. It is best to have a built-in access panel for the tub's motor and this is something you will be thankful for when you are looking to service the tub motor.
  • Deck plywood on top and at the sides of the box, apply the mortar bed before setting the tub in the hole that has been cut out and fill in the space between the deck and the tub's lips with spacer blocks. Set it all with mortar. Protect exterior walls with vapour barriers. This will act as protection against moisture and insulate them for greater comfort and energy conservation.