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Read more about tips on bathroom cabinets, laminated vanity countertops and storage solutions in bath.

Cabinets & Countertops

Bathrooms have become quite important because this is where all our grooming products lie. As a result, the bathroom these days has become a storage area for a number of items such as toilet paper, hair dryers, shavers, shampoos, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Making the list bigger are items such as lotions, perfumes, deodorants and medicines that have almost become a part and parcel of our lives. Though doubting the indispensability of the bathroom is indeed ridiculous, a lot depends on how neat your bathroom looks. Is the toothbrush perched on the toilet tank? Is the deodorant roll-on placed on the soap dish? Are the cluttered bottles around the sink gracing it with mildewed spots of browned rings? If the answer to all these questions is a screaming yes, then it's time you did something about it. It would certainly be wonderful if your morning ritual felt a lot less sloppy and haphazard. This is where bathroom cabinets and countertops come to your rescue. Don't you think it would be much better if you had your bathroom supplies, toiletries and medicines lined up neatly in rows on the shelves of a cabinet?

The bathroom is a place where our day begins and hence maintaining a neat washroom goes a long way in freshening and rejuvenating us. Installing a cabinet provides you with proper storage space to store all your bathroom supplies, toiletries and medicines. It also enhances the bathroom decor, thus combining elegance with practicality. With space for a countertop, a place for the sink and useful storage area below, bathroom cabinets can be as important as the toilet and shower. If you wish to install one, you must get your measurements right to figure out details on the kind of cabinet you may need. If you are not familiar with the whole process, it is always advisable to seek professional assistance when installing bathroom cabinets; read on for advice on the same.

Factors To Consider While Selecting Bathroom Cabinets And Countertops
While shopping, choices made on an impulse are best refrained from. First off, outline the purpose of the bath cabinet and countertop and then do some research based on your needs. If your bathroom is small, you can choose a cabinet that doesn't take up a lot of space. Go for a big and strong cabinet if you think you will be using it a lot. Separate countertop pieces and cabinet storage can prove to be ideal for personal purposes, while an all-in-one cabinet and countertop can prove to be useful for busy bathrooms. Another important factor to keep in mind is the physical requirements and capabilities of those who will be using it. Taking into account the height and age is necessary if there are children and elders in the house. They might just find the countertop and cabinet inaccessible if it is placed too high. It is advisable to install a low height cabinet along with slow-closing door hinges for the utility and safety of kids and aged members. Your selection must be in accord with the overall decor of the washroom. The color scheme and style must match and complement the other bathroom fixtures, walls and wall colors.

Bathroom Cabinet And Countertop Types
Laminated bathroom cabinets remain a popular choice, thanks to their versatility and affordability. Installing them on counters keeps moisture at bay thereby protecting the furniture inside. You can choose from many colors, patterns and textures and match them with the design of your walls and bath fixtures such as sinks and taps. Another cabinet that gives you a stylish as well as a sturdy option is the ceramic tile cabinet. As ceramic tiles are completely impervious to water, they offer durability and easy cleaning and maintenance. They come in many shapes and colors, hand-painted, glazed and unglazed prototypes being the most popular ones. If you are looking for a luxurious bathing experience, nothing can help you get closer to it than a stone and concrete cabinet and a countertop. Granite, marble, limestone, concrete and slate don't just render an elegantly refined look but also offer great durability. Needless to say, luxurious bath room stones, concrete bathroom cabinets and countertops come at a premium, but this really is a premium that deserves to be paid.